Kitful and Calm-faq.png



Q: What is the difference between the kits?

A: The kits are broken into two age groups. Ages 3-6 and ages 7+. Both kits use age appropriate calming techniques. Parent guidance and support is highly recommended for both kits but especially for the younger children. Ages 7+ Kits use more complex calming techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and yoga moves to stimulate the vagus nerve.

Q: Do I need to buy the calming tools in addition?

A: No :) everything you need is included inside of the kit!

Q: Is this just a bag of toys?

A: These may look like toys to the untrained eye, but these are serious learning tools. Each tool was carefully chosen with a purpose to help your child cope with big feelings.

Q: How do I introduce the kit to my child?

A: The kits come with a step-by-step user guide. Please follow our social media, blog posts and join our newsletter for extra tips.

Q. How can I connect, get ideas or share ideas with other parents, caregivers and educators using Kitful & Calm?

A: Empower others by tagging us in your photos and ideas using #kitfulandcalm

Q: How do I use these in my classroom?

A: Please check out my social media, blog posts & join the newsletter for, "Teacher Tip Tuesday!"

Step 1: Read the step-by-step user guide in its entirety. It refers to "your child" in the user guide and I kept it that way for educators for a reason. As you know, the students in your classroom become your children. My number one tip is to build strong connections and relationships with each and every student, every single day. Build a classroom family!

Step 2: Set up a calming space in your classroom. A safe space. I personally have a tent with a comfy rug, stuffed animals and pillows inside as well as the kit in reach. But it doesn't have to be fancy. There is room inside the kit to add the calming tools you like to use with your students as well.

Step 3: Books are a great way to introduce feelings. I love "A Little Spot of Feelings" by: Diane Alber and "The Boy with Big, Big Feelings" by: Britney Winn Lee. A great digital resource to include in your morning meetings is

Step 4: After introducing feelings, decide on how you want to introduce the kit (whole group, small group and/or one-on-one). As stated in the user guide, the younger students will need A LOT of modeling, co-regulation and tons of positive praise. Each child is unique and some may need support and some can use the kits independently pretty quickly. I like to have "experts" that typically wouldn't be recognized. Maybe a student who struggles academically or struggles making friends is really great at using these kits or is an expert at a certain calming technique and can build their confidence through helping their peers. I also like to use the kit myself if I am having a big feeling. Maybe the class is having an "off day" and I need to take a moment and use the kit before we hop into the next lesson. That is a very powerful and teachable moment!

Step 5: Include SEL (social-emotional learning) in your every day lessons and embrace all of the teachable moments that pop-up throughout the school day.

Q: I am an administrator and want to purchase these for my school. Is there a bulk discount?

A: Please contact me at

Q: Can I use these in a daycare setting?

A. Yes. These are approved for ages 3+. Please use supervision at all times as some tools are a choking hazard.